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"Into each and every life some rain has got to fall. But too much of that stuff is fallin’ into mine." 
- Ella Fitzgerald

Are you weighed down by and struggling with low energy, crying spells or pessimism?  Are you sometimes overwhelmed with grief?  Does any of this sound familiar?

If it does, you may be suffering from depression. Depression is common and a majority of human beings will experience depression at least once in their lifetime.

The good news:  with high quality therapy most people will overcome depression and return to happy and productive lives.

Start your transformative healing journey now. Call Marc Weisburg at 302-409-0750 to make an appointment or schedule a free initial 20 minute phone consultation.

About Depression

Depression has many different forms and symptoms (some people may only have one or two):

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Crying spells or unexplained sadness
  • Bouts of anger or moodiness
  • low self-esteem
  • Intractable grief or mourning
  • Low energy or low motivation
  • Self-isolation, social isolation and spiritual isolation
  • Abnormal appetite accompanied with unhealthy change in weight
  • Difficulty obtaining pleasure from life
  • Anxiety
  • Dullness
  • Difficulty obtaining pleasure from life

Depression is unique in that it can take so many different forms in different people. The one common factor in depression is that life has become joyless. Somehow, life has lost its spark.

Therapy can resolve your depression and put that spark back into your life.

Common Issues Needing to be Resolved in Depression

Sometimes with depression there is one key ingredient missing in a person’s recovery. Most of the time, however, there is more than just one. Here are some common issues many people need to successfully heal in their conquest of depression:

  • Trauma, grief or loss
  • Chronic, low energy (this may come from different sources)  
  • Relationship issues
  • Employment
  • Lifestyle and substance use issues
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Life transition and developmental issues

An Innovative Therapy

Together we will use different therapies, strategies and techniques to resolve whatever is causing your depression. Along with other therapies I also integrate a revolutionary new form of evidence based therapy that delivers therapy with an unprecedented combination of effectiveness, gentleness and speed:  Energy Psychology.

Energy psychology methods gently and swiftly release problematic issues and traumatic events that are frozen in time in the body-mind system.  Energy psychology uses the mind-body connection to quickly and gently relieve, reduce and many times extinguish psychological and physical symptoms.  Clients heal past hurts and insults safely without needing to re-experience the past.

Together we can resolve your depressive issues and get you back on the road to success

You may be hesitant to start the journey into wellness. You might be thinking—“How can I start therapy when everything is already so hard to do.” Good therapy starts from wherever you happen to be.

The secret to defeating depression is by starting with whatever energy (no matter how small), you can muster up to live your life.

For a depressed person, there is no such thing as an accomplishment that is too small – whether it’s getting out of bed, making it to work on time, going for a walk, or just making it to my office. Every action taken in the interest of overcoming depression and living a fuller life is an important step in your recovery from depression.  

Whatever a person does in the interest of living their life in a healthy way is a battle won in the war against depression. As your therapist I will cheer you on from victory to victory on the road to recovery.  If you slip up I will be there to cheer you on. Whatever can boost  up your energy and happiness needed to defeat depression will be considered.

Time alone may not heal your depression, but with time and effort along with encouragement and expert guidance, you will attain success.

Start your transformative healing journey now. Call Marc Weisburg at [302-409-0750] to make an appointment or schedule a free initial 20 minute phone consultation.